Pharmacogenomics – PGx

Pharmacogenomics, also known as PGx testing, is a rapidly growing field of science that deals with the study of how genes affect a person’s response to medication. This information can be used to develop more effective and safer medications, as well as to personalise drug therapy for each individual. The test can help to identify which medications are the best fit for an individual, as well as identify any potential risks associated with taking those medications. The use of PGx testing has already proven to be beneficial for many people.

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  • What is pharmacogenomics (PGx)?

    The study and application of genomic information to drug development and prescribing to improve safety and efficacy is what PGx is all about. Genetic scientists, physicians, pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists, medical technologists, bioinformaticians, healthcare policy analysts, systems biologists, artificial intelligence experts, and other healthcare professionals use the abbreviated term pharmacogenomics to describe their work.

  • Who benefits from PGx testing?

    There are many different groups of people who can benefit from personalised genomic testing. Patients with a personal or family history of cancer, heart disease, or other serious illnesses can use PGx data to help them make more informed health decisions. Pregnant women and their families can also use PGx information to assess the risk of passing on genetic conditions. From a general screening perspective, we can use PGx testing to assess risk and aid in early diagnosis and treatment for certain diseases.
  • What can you expect for results from PGx testing?

    The outcomes of PGx testing can differ depending on which genes are checked. In general, though, PGx testing can reveal how a person is likely to react to various medications, as well as their likelihood of experiencing adverse drug responses.

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